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Retail Bank | Finance
A major business needed to replace end-of-life routers and network switches across its vast branch network. The bank needed an expert resource to support its network engineers, who were completing the set-up remotely. To support this plan, the company selected Coranet, which has a strong industry and technical experience and a “can-do” attitude.
Quick Fact
Coranet’s project management structure and technician network facilitated this activity. Each night, after branch closing routines were completed, Coranet and the client worked quickly to install the equipment on-site, configure the equipment remotely, troubleshoot, print to multiple printers, and test on the branch and teller PC’s, phones and routers. Project teams were in constant touch via online tools in order to continually improve the process.
Coranet consistently executed 100+ technician dispatches per week for almost six months. We did “whatever it takes” to meet the demanding schedule, week in and week out. As a result, the bank completed the required technology refresh quickly, successfully and cost-effectively.
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